Released: October 31st, 2017
"This Vancouver sextet exudes the confidence, musical chops and invention required to be taken seriously as rising stars of the “new” prog-rock scene... right in the tasty spot between bombast and brilliance" - Vancouver Sun
Track Listing:
- 1. human/kind
- 2. One Day Fiancée
- 3. My Heroine
- 4. Civilización y Barbarie
- 5. Rasputin
- 6. Sweater Weather
- 7. Don't Stop Me Now

The Jungle is Dark But Full of Diamonds
Released: December 1st, 2012
A kaleidoscopic sonic journey exploring harsh realities and dreamy fantasies.
"Imagine Muse without the bombastic histrionics ... Think Mr Bungle with less off-the-wallery ... Picture all of that crashing together with lashings of grinning energy and skillfully honed talent and you'll be right in the middle of... [The Jungle Is Dark But Full Of Diamonds]..." -Steven Reid, Fireworks Magazine
Track Listing:
- 1. Intro
- 2. Earthmusher
- 3. Designer Blindfold
- 4. Maximum Gentleman
- 5. We are the Bubble, They are the Prick
- 6. Mister Feminister
- 7. Media
- 8. Requiem for Bessie
- 9. Dream Runner
- 10. Music is Magic
- 11. Sneaky Patina
- 12. Out of Office

Bedd Tracks
Released: July 20th, 2009
If Igor Stravinsky and Mike Patton had a love child and sent it to live with violin-playing gypsy metalheads in the Middle East, this is probably what it would sound like.
“This is progressive rock – at least in the true, progressing forward, sense of the word. The music here is incredibly dynamic and it’s amazing how many changes they put into these tracks – and yet keep it cohesive. … [Bedd Tracks] is killer.” -Gary Hill, Music Street Journal
Track Listing:
- 1. Eye of the Day
- 2. Take the Reins
- 3. Reel
- 4. Global Citizen

The Sin EP
Released: September 20th, 2007
A steamy co-ed coterie of classically-trained musicians fusing chamber music sonorities with Latin– and Middle-Eastern–influenced funk and metal.
Track Listing:
- 1. Tongue & Toxins
- 2. Marionette
- 3. Mirror Face
- 4. Matakat
- 5. Water Child